Contemplations about Life, Love, & the Pursuit of Meaningful Existence…

My Serendipitous Romance


Vacant heart

Fielding layers of incessant gray

Resigned to mediocrity

Not seeking

Yet, there you were

Seemingly too-good-to-be-true

A real life sorcerer

Vibrantly colorizing my world from that first mystical smile

Sowing hope atop ashes of forsaken dreams

Captivation so electrifying

Love’s rays swooning the stars to lasso the moon

Anticipating the next

But relishing the now

Nurturing what is

So “the end” never pecks its way across our page

Euphoria thickens my throat

Tears of appreciation silently pool

Swept off my feet for a lifetime

My Serendipitous Romance


Happy Valentine’s Day to my Treasured Readers…

May love worthy of your honorable hearts gently embrace you — today, and always!

(photo: Hong Kong Harbor 2011)


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23 thoughts on “My Serendipitous Romance

  1. Thank you, Dearest Aina, for the pleasure of your visit… xo

  2. Of course, I love the piece you wrote.. it is lovely! But I am touched by the quote you left at the end as well.. Very sweet on this day of all things love! ~J

  3. Wonderful and touching Shauna! You are blessed with the gifts of pen, love and travel. I want your life! Thanks for sharing it so sweetly.
    To more love and longing,
    Happy Valentine’s to you and yours!

    • YOU most certainly know how to make a girl’s — year! 🙂 Thanks for providing the endless support and ever-gracious words that inspire me to share. As you so eloquently capture in your Heart Song Ode:

      “Though it is far easier to quit
      We must step out from our comfortable routines and caves
      Entering the world of risk, emotion and waves
      Crashing into both life’s challenges and raves
      Asking us to to come alive, take a chance and surf the waves”

      Scaling those waves makes it all worthwhile. Whether in love or life, Brad, you deserve the very best!

  4. Absolutely beautiful poem, touching and alive! Happy Valentine’s Day!

  5. As yours always touch me… A toast to the magical dance of enduring love!

  6. “Captivation so electrifying” describes new love and the moments in old love when eyes meet in a way that makes it all so fresh again… I love your poem!!

    Blessings ~ Wendy

  7. Happy Day of Love’s Celebration, Wendy! Perfect interpretation — I feel the same magnetism now (after 14 years of marriage) as when I first met the love of my life over 17 years ago… xo

  8. Love the unabashed generosity, romance and passion this poem and post reflect! Yay. So glad you stopped by so I could find you. LOVE

  9. The pleasure is ALL mine…I cherish my wordpress world and the grand connections it affords. Thanks for being one of those jewels!! xoxo

  10. Passion, Honesty, Love. Well done. It is a beautiful testament to Love. Your words are so eloquent. Thank you.

  11. Wonderful to hear from you, my dear friend. I value your opinion so. Thanks!

  12. Hi luggagelady. Wow! Thank you for calling by and liking my poem ‘Last Working Day’. The Foureyed Poet.

  13. Thanks FP! Your poem left me peering around every corner with chills rolling down my spine — eek! Good job! 🙂

  14. It’s free-flowing, optimistic and soothing. Perfect over afternoon tea. Thank you.

  15. For some reason, I’ve always envisioned my readers downing copious amounts of wine whilst reading my posts…Tea never crossed my mind. Thank you for expanding my vision with your gracious remarks!

    P.S. I’m still smiling over your hilarious haircut post. At least you don’t have to endure 2-hour highlights — ugh! 😉

  16. Pingback: Quiet – A Saturday Poetry Post | Lyrical Anarchy

  17. Awesome poem, so very beautifully written and shared! God bless!

  18. What an esteemed honor coming from YOU…I’ve just started reading YOUR uplifting blog and cannot wait to have the time to dig in deeper. Thanks for your kindness.

  19. What a beautiful blog world you have made over here. I love to visit~

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