Contemplations about Life, Love, & the Pursuit of Meaningful Existence…

Navigating the “Whys?”



Whether by fate or another’s choice

Abandonment became your heritage

Navigating a lifetime of “whys?”

You carefully plotted your course without a safety net

A survivor’s do-or-die mentality

Primal determination shrouded deep voids

Stoic courage and steadfast optimism

Made it difficult to fathom the magnitude of your plight

Outwardly successful

You juggled stars others couldn’t even spy


When I met you

Weariness tempered your smile

Doubt swam in vulnerable eyes

I hesitated…

What if I let you down like so many before?

Was my heart big enough?

Would I prove worthy of your fragile trust?

Did I dare find out?


Because even in your bleakest hour

Your vibrant soul shines a beacon of optimism in adversity’s face

Betrayed by those who should have cared

You soldier ahead each time

You planted trust’s seed and nurtured our blossoming love with such spirited tenacity

Gratitude floods my veins daily

So when your flesh and blood jams his foot through that door

The one you’re too gracious to close

Kicking you swiftly in the gut — yet again

My heart rages

Fists clenched in your defense

Frustrated tears turning to sobs

I can’t spare you from the torment

But with every cell I possess

I can stand by you

And it is here

I shall

Forever remain…

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20 thoughts on “Navigating the “Whys?”

  1. Teri c on said:


  2. wonderful, the power of your feelings shines through your words. thanks!

  3. I so appreciate your continued support! Thank YOU! xo

  4. This was so beautifully written and so real. Thank you.

  5. Dearest Arwen, Thanks for putting a smile on my face. This was a difficult post, as it was so very personal. Huge hugs to you! 🙂

  6. A more perfect example of loving someone unconditionally I cannot find. Wow. Big time High-Five for letting your own soul shine!

  7. Tears are pooling as I type…An enormous hug of gratitude coming your way. I cannot wait to read more of your incredible writing!!

  8. This is beautiful. I feel like I can relate to the person on the other side of the poem. It can be difficult to put trust in someone when you have been used so many times before, but I feel like I should keep trying and have faith in my choices to lend my heart out again.

  9. Yes, have faith. When you least expect it, that person worthy of ALL that you are will walk through the door. Thank you for the kind words!! xo

  10. Wow. Beautiful!

  11. Aww, thanks Liz! Your continued support is greatly appreciated!! xo

  12. Pingback: Saturday Poetry Sampler #5 – Such A Saturday « Lyrical Anarchy

  13. Fierce and beautiful. You and the poem’s inspiration seem to deserve each other–yay for both of you. xoxo

  14. Gulp. Blink, blink… Thank you. xo

  15. I love the depth and feeling your words and heart express in this beautifully expressed sentiment. It is a treasure you share in your gift of self expression and I am quite grateful you found my page and led me to yours! Thank you! 🙂

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